The Good Dog Model for Solving Behaviour Problems
Course4.7 average rating (6 reviews)When our clients come looking for behavioural help for their dogs, they all say the same thing. I have a Good Dog! And you can use our model to help those Good Dogs to overcome their behaviour problems.
Dog Welfare: An Overview
CourseLearn about how we define and measure welfare in animals, and how this can help you and your clients. We will also look at a case study through a One Welfare lens to illustrate concepts covered in the webinar.
Approaching the Hardest Choice
CourseMaking the choice to behaviourally euthanize a dog is never easy. How do we as trainers open this subject with clients and support them? This four week course on demand covers this immensely difficult but hugely important topic.
Problematic Play
CourseIt was the best of times, it was the worst of was play with the dog! Play has the potential to resolve a lot of issues, but it can also create problems. Learn how to supercharge your play in this webinar!
Introduction to Professional Dog Training Summer 2024
CourseWould you like a course that provides you with the information you need to work as a dog training professional, coaching of your skills as a dog trainer, and a community that will support your growth? Look no further! Spend a year learning with us
Evaluating Aggression to Save Lives
CourseAre you interested in starting to take on aggression cases? This is an introductory course to help you to learn the very basics and determine which dogs you can help and which dogs you should refer on.