Continuing Education Units Available

Continuing education is not only required by many certifying bodies, it just makes sense for upping your game as a trainer or behaviour consultant. Teaching is a core skill for trainers and behaviour consultants, but there are very few resources you can find online to help you to become a better teaching or instructor. With Before the Lesson Plan, you can achieve both CUEs for CCPDT credentials, but you can also enhance your skills and learn more about the core of what we do!

  • 5.5 Knowledge CEUs

  • 2 Skills CEUs

  • 2 Behaviour Consultant CEUs

  • If you are a CPDT-KA you will earn a total of 9.5 CEUs, If you are a CPDT-KSA, you will earn 9.5 CEUs, 2 of which are skills CEUS, and if you are a CBCC-KA you will earn 9.5 CEUs, 2 of which will be Behaviour Consulting CEUs.

Course curriculum

    1. What Is Experiential Education

    2. Zoom Q & A Meetings-Schedule and Link

    3. Inclusion In My Classroom

    4. Your Turn!

    1. Welcome to Week One

    2. Week One Video Lecture

    3. Bloom's Taxonomy of Critical Thinking

    4. Experiential Learning Cycle Graphic

    5. The Experiential Learning Cycle Example

    6. LInks And Resources

    7. Your Turn

    1. Welcome to Week Two

    2. Week Two Video Lecture

    3. Your Turn

    4. Resources

    1. Welcome to Week Three

    2. Beyond The Lesson Plan Week Three Video Lecture

    3. The Yabbut Rabbit

    4. Your Turn

    5. Resources

    1. Welcome to Week Four

    2. Week Four Video Lecture

    3. Your Turn

    4. Resources

About this course

  • $199.99
  • 28 lessons
  • 5.5 hours of video content

This Course is Limited to 20 Students!

Starting March 13, 2025

  • 00 Days
  • 00 Hours
  • 00 Minutes
  • 00 Seconds